Here you will find great collection of funny, silly and corny letter jokes for kids of all ages, teens and adults who do not want to grow up. This funny collection of friendly and good jokes, riddles and puns about letter are clean and safe for children of all ages. Kids will laugh out loud when they hear these jokes about letter! LoL!
Back to BuildingDid you hear the one about the unstamped letter?Answer: You wouldn't get it.
How can you make seven even?
How do you get a witch to itch?Answer: You take away the 'w'
How do you make a witch itch?Answer: Take away her W.
How does Easter end?Answer: With an R!
How many letters are in the alphabet?Answer: There are 11 letters in ‘the alphabet’!
How many letters are there in the English alphabet?Answer: There are 18. Three in ‘the’, seven in ‘English’ and eight in ‘alphabet’.
How many peas are there in a pint?Answer: There is one 'P' in a 'pint'.
Name two days of the week that start with “t”.
What always comes at the end of Thanksgiving?Answer: The letter “g”.
What comes at the end of Christmas Day?Answer: The letter “Y”
What do you call a bear with no ear?Answer: B
What do you find in the middle of nowhere?Answer: The letter "h"!
What does every birthday end with?Answer: The letter Y
What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
What four days of the week start with the letter T?
What happens once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?Answer: The letter M
What has more letters than the alphabet?Answer: The post office.
What is in December that isn't in any other month?Answer: The letter "D"!
What is the capital of Washington?Answer: W!
What is the center of gravity?Answer: The letter V
What is the end of everything?
What letter can hurt you if it gets too close?Answer: B (bee)
What letter is always wet?Answer: C
What letter is an exclamation?Answer: O (oh!)
What letter of the alphabet is always waiting in order?Answer: The Q
What occurs twice in a week, once in a year but never in a day?
What starts and ends with an E but contains only one letter?Answer: An envelope.
What starts with a P and ends with an E and has a million letters in it?Answer: The Post Office
What starts with E and ends with E, but only contains one letter?
What word begins and ends with an ‘e’ but only has one letter?
What word of only three syllables contains 26 letters?Answer: Alphabet (26 letters).
Which letter is not me?Answer: U
Which letter is the coolest?Answer: Iced T
Which letter is the laziest in the alphabet?Answer: E, because it’s always in bed!
Which letter of the alphabet has the most water?Answer: The “C”
Which two letters are always jealous?Answer: N-V!
Why are A’s like flowers?Answer: Because bee’s come after them!
Why do abcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxy & z hate hanging out with the letter n?Answer: Because n always has to be the center of attention.
Why does it take pirates so long to learn the alphabet?Answer: Because they spend years at C!
Why is B very cool?Answer: Because it is sitting in the AC!
Why is dark spelled with a K and not a C?Answer: Because you can’t see in the dark.
Why is the letter A like a flower?Answer: A bee comes after it!
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