Funny robot jokes

Here you will find great collection of funny, silly and corny robot jokes for kids of all ages, teens and adults who do not want to grow up. This funny collection of friendly and good jokes, riddles and puns about robot are clean and safe for children of all ages. Kids will laugh out loud when they hear these jokes about robot! LoL!

Showing all 30 robot jokes for kids

What did the baby robot call its creator?
What did the droid do at lunch time?
What did the man say to his dead robot?
What do robots drink from?
What do robots eat as snacks?
What do robots wear during the winter?
What do you call a pirate robot?

More robot jokes for kids below

What do you call a robot driving in a car?
What do you call a robot who likes books?
What happens when a robot falls into muddy water?
What is a robot's favourite arcade machine?
What is a Robot's favourite kind of music?
What is a robot’s favorite snack?
What position does a robot play in football?
What web browser would a robot use?
What's a robot's favourite book?
What's a robot's favourite film?
What's a robot's favourite song?
What's on robot's gravestone?
Where do robots sit?
Where does a robot go on holiday?
Who was the robot’s favorite author?
Why did the robot cross the road?
Why did the robot go on camping?
Why did the robot go on summer vacation?
Why did the robot go to the doctor?
Why did the robot marry his partner?
Why did the robot turn into a ghost?
Why do robots take holidays?
Why was the robot angry?

Do you have a funny joke about robot that you would like to share? Click here to submit your joke!

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