Funny car jokes

Here you will find great collection of funny, silly and corny car jokes for kids of all ages, teens and adults who do not want to grow up. This funny collection of friendly and good jokes, riddles and puns about car are clean and safe for children of all ages. Kids will laugh out loud when they hear these jokes about car! LoL!

Showing all 27 car jokes for kids

How do you get four dragons into a car?
What did the tornado say to the car?
What do you call a Ford Fiesta out of gas?
What do you call a robot driving in a car?
What do you call a Spanish man who has lost his car?
What do you call a very fast llama?
What do you call it when a dinosaur gets in a car accident?

More car jokes for kids below

What do you get when dinosaurs crash their cars?
What does a ghost do when he gets in the car?
What does a wizard use to fill up his gas tank on the car?
What does Dora the Explorer drive to a birthday party?
What happened to the frog’s car when his parking meter expired?
What happened when the frog’s car broke down?
What has 4 wheels and flies?
What is a detective’s ultimate car?
What kind of a car does a crazy man drive?
What kind of car do wolves drive?
What kind of car does a mouse drive?
What kind of car does a rich cat drive?
What kind of car does a sheep like to drive?
What kind of car does an elf drive?
What part of the car is the laziest?
What snakes are found on cars?
What’s the difference between a car and a dragon?
Why are cars faster than motorcycles?
Why aren’t there cars in Minecraft?
Why did the spider buy a car?

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