Funny music jokes

Here you will find great collection of funny, silly and corny music jokes for kids of all ages, teens and adults who do not want to grow up. This funny collection of friendly and good jokes, riddles and puns about music are clean and safe for children of all ages. Kids will laugh out loud when they hear these jokes about music! LoL!

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Showing all 36 music jokes for kids

How does a witch play loud music?
How does the sun listen to music?
What did the DJs gravestone say?
What did the needle say to the balloon?
What do you get if you cross a serpent and a trumpet?
What do you get when you put a radio in a fridge?
What does the town sing when the Beast and Belle break-up?

More music jokes for kids below

What is a frog's favorite music?
What is a mummy's favorite kind of music?
What is a Robot's favourite kind of music?
What is a skeleton’s favourite instrument?
What is an astronaut's favorite music?
What is an elf’s favorite kind of music?
What kind of music did Pilgrims listen to?
What kind of music did the gold nugget listen to?
What kind of music do bunnies like?
What kind of music do killer whales like?
What kind of music do planets sing?
What kind of music does a mountain like?
What kind of music does a mummy like best?
What kind of music does gold listen to?
What makes music on your hair?
What makes songs but never sings?
Show answer
What music are balloons scared of?
What musical instrument do you find in the bathroom?
What's big and grey with horns?
What’s a pizza maker’s favorite song?
What’s the most musical apple?
Where does a pianist go on vacation?
Which music bands do bees love best?
Who is a bee's favorite classical composer?
Who is an herb’s favorite singer?
Why can't skeletons play music at a church?
Why did Santa go to music school?
Why did the elves ask the turkey to join the band?
Why do Rappers like Christmas so much?

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