Funny teeth jokes

Here you will find great collection of funny, silly and corny teeth jokes for kids of all ages, teens and adults who do not want to grow up. This funny collection of friendly and good jokes, riddles and puns about teeth are clean and safe for children of all ages. Kids will laugh out loud when they hear these jokes about teeth! LoL!

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Showing all 25 teeth jokes for kids

How do you brush Gyarados’s teeth?
How do you get to tooth island?
How do you know when it is too cold to picnic outside?
What do tooth fairies have on their phones?
What do you call a bear with no teeth?
What do you call a dinosaur that takes care of its teeth?
What do you call nice trees without any teeth?

More teeth jokes for kids below

What does a dentist give a lion with a sore tooth?
What is a dinosaur known for having great teeth?
What musical instrument do you find in the bathroom?
What's the best thing to put into a pie?
What's the best thing to put into Christmas dinner?
What’s the best thing to put into a slice of apple pie?
What’s the best thing to put into pumpkin pie?
Which country’s citizens have the nicest teeth?
Which Egyptian had the healthiest teeth?
Who brings teeth gifts for Christmas?
Who gave the dinosaurs a dollar whenever they lost a tooth?
Why are vampires like false teeth?
Why did the girl go back into the dentist’s office while she was leaving?
Why did the king go to the dentist?
Why did the queen go to the dentist?
Why did the tooth want to be left alone?
Why do all Fortnite players have healthy gums?
Why do Fortnite players have beautiful teeth?

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