Here you will find great collection of funny, silly and corny insect jokes for kids of all ages, teens and adults who do not want to grow up. This funny collection of friendly and good jokes, riddles and puns about insect are clean and safe for children of all ages. Kids will laugh out loud when they hear these jokes about insect! LoL!
Back to AnimalHow do we know that insects are so clever?Answer: Because they always know when your eating outside!
What did one firefly say to the other?Answer: You glow, girl!
What did one firefly say to the other?Answer: You glow, girl!
What did the apple tree say to the hungry caterpillar?Answer: Leaf me alone.
What do frogs order when they go to a restaurant?Answer: French flies
What do insects learn at school?Answer: Mothmatics
What do you call a female bug?Answer: A lady bug!
What do you get if you cross a rabbit with an insect?Answer: Bugs bunny.
What do you get if you cross an insect with a rabbit?Answer: Bugs bunny!
What does a caterpillar do on New Years Day?Answer: Turns over a new leaf!
What is a butterfly’s favorite subject at school?Answer: Mothematics
What is the last thing to go through a bugs mind as it hits your windshield?Answer: It's butt.
What kind of bug hates Christmas?Answer: A humbug
What kind of paper do mosquitoes like?Answer: Scratch paper
What makes a glow-worm glow?Answer: It eats light meals.
What’s a firefly’s favorite dance?Answer: The glitterbug
What’s smaller than an ant’s mouth?Answer: An ant’s dinner!
Why did the fly never land on the computer?Answer: He was afriad of the world wide web.
Why do frogs have such an easy life?Answer: Because they eat whatever bugs them.
Why do lightning bugs get A's in school?Answer: They're very bright.
Why do the bees choose to sting Pooh?Answer: Because he is stuffed with hunny.
Why does "A" look like a flower?Answer: Because "B" follows it!
Why is Spiderman such good baseball player?Answer: He knows how to catch flies.
Why was there a bug in the computer?Answer: Because it was looking for a byte to eat?
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